January 24, 2012


I know this is kind of late but I've been tagged by LakiSwirl of Rants of an Unknown Chick and because I am late  I will be modifying the post. Normally the rules are as follows but I'll be answering the ones in bold :

  1. You must post 11 random facts about yourself.
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
  3. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
  4. Go to their blog and tell them that you've tagged them.
You must post 11 random facts about yourself:

- I love to cook breakfast.
- I am a Capricorn.
- My work experience has led me to firmly believe that the customer is always right wrong.
- I've been #teamblackberry since 2007 way before the hype.
- I'm 5 foot 5 inches tall (or short however you look at it).
- I'm addicted to Angry Birds right now.
- My favorite color is green.
- Overly religious people who try to push their beliefs on everyone annoy me to no end (I have to write a post on this).
- I hate long distance driving.
- I love Dance hall music.
- My dream car is the Range Rover.

Do you follow any superstitions?

-Lol some preschool superstitions like step on a crack and you break your momma's back. - To this day I avoid stepping on cracks even though that saying is a bit childish.

Are you single or attached?  How do you feel about your current situation?

-My mind is single but my heart is attached. Its complicated. I'm okay with it right now I know I deserve better than what I have so I need to start looking for it.  Slowly but surely. (Secretly hoping he will change but its been 5 years)

If you could have dinner with any famous person, living or dead, who would it be?

-I don't really rate celebrities so it would be someone like Rosa Parks.  To find out what she thinks about the progress black people are making today.

What five words would OTHER PEOPLE describe you as?

-Bossy, Rude, Determined, Kind, Naïve :s

Cats or dogs?

-Neither. As a child I was deathly allergic to cats and I have been chased by 1 too many dogs in my lifetime to even want one of them.

Weave or natural?

-Both. I am lucky enough to have one of my sisters who went to hair dressing school so I get to change my hairstyle every 2-4 weeks depending on how I feel with out killing my pockets. Right now I have Patra inspired-Janet Jackson Poetic Justice inspired box braids. If I had to guess I'd say 60% weave, 30% natural, 10% other (box braids, wigs)

What's the scariest thing you've ever done?

-I don't really do anything scary.. In everything I do I take calculated risks so it doesn't really scare me.

-The scariest thing to ever happen to me though or that I was indirectly involved in was a School shooting. In September 2006 a lone gunman came into my cegep's (college) main quad and started shooting up the place and then was killed by police. One person died and my friend was hit with ricocheted bullets. Luckily I was fine physically but it took me a while to get over the shock.

Who are you closest to?

-My family in general but I would say my youngest sister. We could be twins if we weren't 2 years apart.

What's one of the most embarrassing things you've done?

-I pissed my pants the first time I went to La Ronde (an amusement park.. Like Six flags). *bbm can't look face* in my defense though I was drinking water all day and we waited in line to get on the Monster (a roller coaster) for two hours and then when we finally got on it we got stuck at the top right before it was about to drop for another 2 hours before they got us down and closed that ride for the day.  I tried my hardest but I just couldn't hold it.

What advice were you given that you wish you would have listened to?

-When someone shows you who they really are believe them.  Lol. Would have saved me at least 3 years (refer to question 2)

If money were no object, what would be the first thing you'd do?

-I would travel the world. Do the back packing in Europe thing, Safari in Africa, visit Dubai and some of the more affluent countries in the middle east.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE long distance driving! Sometimes I just get in my truck and drive to kill time and relieve stress.

    LOL about the rollercoaster. I got stuck at the top of a coaster once, but it wasn't for that long.

    And I TOTALLY get you on the relationship thing. I wanna be done with my psuedo-relationship, but I can't cut it off just yet. There's a part of me that's still wishing he'll change *fatchance*
