May 03, 2012


Long time no blog. The last few weeks have been hectic with the end of semester and all. I blocked out everything that was going on outside of school but once it was done I finally took the time out to think about things and realized that I am good. But here is an update on how things have been for me:

-I’m officially single (Facebook official and everything lol). I harbor no ill feelings towards he who shall not be named and it helps that I barely see him. Montreal is small but it seems huge when you want to avoid someone. Truth be told though, we were never on the same page and in our own ways we were probably holding each other back.

-I’m not trying to mingle. I don’t have any prospect right now even if I was trying to. I have been extremely focused and anti-social lately. I am surprisingly happy with being alone right now.

-I have learned to drive stick. I had Trackstar teach me. It was pretty interesting and he was so intense; I guess he thought I was going to crash his car. But I think I’ve mastered it and right on time cause I am looking to buy a new car and when I browse through the listings stick is always cheaper than automatic.

-Oh yeah by the way I am not cutting my hair. That was a bad idea for me to begin with not sure where my head was at when I said that. Short hair don't does care lol.
