March 22, 2012

A promise is a comfort to a fool...

You know that moment when you are afraid to get close to someone because you are afraid that ultimately they will be the ones to hurt you. And then they assure you that they will never hurt you intentionally and "promise" to be there for you through thick and thin. Then you let your guard down and everything seems to go well until you need that person and they are not there like they "promised"

Yeah well that "promise" was tested between me and Body quite often since the beginning of the year mostly by him. I was there. But when it came time for him to be there for me he was not. I can't even begin to put it into words what happen, in all honesty I have been trying to write this post for a while but could not find the words. I still cannot find the words, all that I know is that I cannot believe how wrong I was about him.

I feel like just two weeks ago I was on cloud 9 and now I am free falling to my death. 

In the words of my father "A promise is a comfort to a fool..." (way before Sean Paul ever said it). I should have know better.



  1. Aaww, sweetie... I know the feeling. Being let down by the one person you hope wouldn't do that to you is the worst. I've been trying to make myself not care. I have to keep telling myself to stop caring because disappointment only happens when you expect something. And I just have to learn to not expect anything :(

  2. True.. I used to be good at not caring. I guess I am getting softer with age. lol.
